Tech Solutions:

Research and Innovation

Supporting Tech Innovation

Valiant-X Enterprise champions the utilization of the Department of Defense (DoD) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs that empower small technology companies in advancing innovation.

These initiatives promote technological advancements and expedite the development and production of promising technologies that align with our client’s mission.

Together, SBIR and STTR allocate over a billion dollars annually in seed capital for early-stage research and development (R&D) within the small technology sector that VXE operates.

These programs support projects that address DoD needs while also offering commercial viability which VXE proudly works to provide services within.

VXE is supported through the SBIR program. Additionally, funds are cooperative regarding R&D projects between small businesses and research institutions via the STTR program.

These initiatives have prioritize outreach to socially and economically disadvantaged firms which VXE partners with.

Having experience with these programs VXE is ready to handle any competitive funding process and has streamlined processes in place that are user-friendly.